2nd place in the World Finals
Valters starts the new season 2019 in Italy

Athlete of the year in technical sports


Valters – Athlete of the year in technical sports in Jurmala


On Friday, December 14, awards were given to the best athletes of the city of Jurmala in the year 2018, in overall 14 nominations.

Valters Zviedris were awarded as the best in nomination “Athlete of the year 2018 in technical sports”. He participated in “Legend Cars World Finals” in the USA, where he celebrated 2nd place in the “Semi-Pro” class and also showed great results in the “Pro” class finals.

Jurmala Annual Sports Awards have been given for 20 years already, to dignify athletes for their success and thank to those, who have been promoting healthy and active lifestyle in the Jurmala city.


In Latvian

Valters – Jūrmalas gada sportists tehniskajos sporta veidos


Piektdien, 14. decembrī, Jūrmalā apbalvoti 2018. gada labākie sportisti – kopumā tika apbalvoti sporta laureāti 14 nominācijās.

Valters Zviedris tika atzīts par labāko nominācijā “Gada sportists tehniskajos sporta veidos”. “Legend Cars World Finals” sacīkstēs, startējot “Semi-Pro” klasē, sportists izcīnīja 2. vietu, vairākas godalgotas vietas izcīnītas arī “Pro” klases finālā.

Jūrmalas Gada balva sportā kūrortpilsētā tiek piešķirta jau divdesmito gadu, lai godinātu sportistus par panākumiem un pateiktos tiem, kuri veicinājuši veselīgu un sportisku dzīvesveidu jūrmalnieku vidū.